Need An Email Marketing Solution For All Of Your Customers?

Partner With VerticalResponse!


session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list to download.
delimiter [xsd:string]
The type of result file to create: either “csv” or “tab”.
fields_to_include [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of the names of list fields to include as columns in the result.
restrict_to [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of record types to restrict the result to (default is an empty array).
Valid items for this array are:

  • bounced
  • unsubscribed
notification_email_address [xsd:string]
This is required for the background version of this method. When the result is ready, this email
address will receive a notification that includes a link that can be used to download the list.