- session_id [xsd:string]
- Your API session id.
- campaign_id [xsd:int]
- The id of the campaign whose recipient results are being fetched.
- delimiter [xsd:string]
- The type of result file to create: either “csv” or “tab”.
- remove_duplicates [xsd:boolean]
- Whether to report just one event per recipient or all events per recipient (default is false).
- fields_to_include [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
- An array of the names of list fields to include as columns in the result. The columns will appear in the same order as the array you pass to the system.
- email_address
- first_name
- last_name
- create_date
- title
- company_name
- address_1
- address_2
- city
- state
- postalcode
- country
- work_phone
- home_phone
- mobile_phone
- fax
- marital_status
- gender
- Any custom fields you’ve created can be included as well.
- restrict_responses [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of the only response types that should be reported on. Note: these strings are case-sensitive.
Valid items for this array are:- OPEN
- restrict_lists [vrtypens:ArrayOfInteger]
- An array of ids of the lists whose recipients the result should be restricted to.
- notification_email_address [xsd:string]
This is required for the background version of this method. When the result is ready, this email address will
receive a notification that includes a link that can be used to download the result. - start_date [xsd:string]
If specified, no events before this date will be included in the result.
This date/time should be specified in ISO 8601 format. - end_date [xsd:string]
If specified, no events after this date will be included in the result.
This date/time should be specified in ISO 8601 format.