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list_id [xsd:int]
The list_id argument passed in.
list_name [xsd:string]
The name of the list.
total_records [xsd:int]
The number of records found in the file.
records_loaded [xsd:int]
The number of records added to the list
records_rejected [xsd:int]
The number of records rejected.
new_list_size [xsd:int]
The size of the list after adding the new records.
new_mailable_size [xsd:int]
The mailable size of the list after adding the new records.
records_already_in_list [xsd:int]
The number of records in the upload that were already in the target list.
records_added_to_list [xsd:int]
The number of records in the upload that ended up being added to the target list.
records_already_in_master_list [xsd:int]
The number of records in the upload that were already in the Master List.
records_added_to_master_list [xsd:int]
The number of records in the upload that were already in the Master List.
new_master_list_size [xsd:int]
The size of the Master List after any uploaded list members were added.
new_master_list_mailable_size [xsd:int]
The number of mailable email addresses in the Master List after any uploaded list members were added.
records_restricted [xsd:int]
The number of records that were added as not being mailable as a result of your list member storage limit being exceeded.
restricted_records_file [vrtypens:FileSpec]
A file containing the email addresses of uploaded list members that were added as not being mailable as a result of your list member storage limit being exceeded.
This will not be present if no uploaded list members were restricted.
rejected_records_detail [vrtypens:ArrayOfRejectedRecordDetail]
An array containing one item per rejected record – each describes the reason why its corresponding record was rejected.
rejected_records_file [vrtypens:FileSpec]
A FileSpec whose “location” field indicates a URL where a report of the rejected records can be found.