- id [xsd:int]
- The internal ID of the query. Set by VerticalResponse.
- name [xsd:string]
- REQUIRED: The unique name of this segmentation query.
- operation_type [xsd:string]
- REQUIRED: The type of segmentation operation to perform. Valid types are ‘union’, ‘intersect’ and ‘minus’.
- description [xsd:string]
- A description of this query.
- inputs [vrtypens:ArrayOfSegmentationQueryInput]
- An array of SegmentationQueryInput objects used to define the query and its constraints.
- status [xsd:string]
- The status of this query. Set by VerticalResponse. Expected values are:
- running – Segmentation query is currently running.
- run – Query has completed running and is not yet compiled into a list.
- compiling – Query is currently compiling.
- compiled – Query has been compiled into a list.
- failed – Query failed last action (run or compile).
- display_context [xsd:string]
- deleted_by [xsd:int]
- delete_date [xsd:dateTime]
- last_run_date [xsd:dateTime]
- last_run_size [xsd:int]