An object that represents one recipient in a list.
- list_id [xsd:int]
- The ID of the list this recipient belongs to.
- list_name [xsd:string]
- The name of the list this recipient belongs to.
- list_type [xsd:string]
- The type of the list this recipient belongs to.
- member_data [vrtypens:NVDictionary]
A dictionary that defines the fields for the list and their values for this particular recipient. Values include:
- optin_status – Possible values are:
- -1 – Bounced (unmailable)
- 0 – Unsubscribed (unmailable)
- 1 – Single Opt-in (unmailable)
- 2 – Double Opt-in (mailable)
- null/empty – Manually Added (mailable)
- email_address
- first_name
- last_name
- address_1
- address_2
- city
- state – The full name of the list member’s state (e.g. “California”)
- postalcode
- country – The two-letter country code of the list member (e.g. “US”)
- work_phone
- home_phone
- mobile_phone
- fax
- gender
- marital_status
- ip_address
- optin_status – Possible values are: