The getSentEmailCampaignsSummary() method returns a paginated window of campaign stats along with the total number of sent campaigns.
session_id [xsd:string] (required)
Your API session id.
order_by [vrtypens:OrderByField]
The field and direction to sort by.
Valid field_name values are:
Valid field_name values are:
- campaign_id
- campaign_name
- campaign_type
- status
- sent_date
- emails_sent
- open_count
- reopen_count
- click_count
- sale_count
- purchase_total
- bounce_count
- unsub_count
- responder_count
If no ordering is specified, then an ordering by descending sent_date is used by default.
limit [xsd:int]
The maximum number of records to return.
Specifying a limit greater than 50 is not allowed.
This is also the default limit that is used if none is provided.
Specifying a limit greater than 50 is not allowed.
This is also the default limit that is used if none is provided.
offset [xsd:int]
Only records on or beyond this index are included in the result.
The output is a variety of stats for a set of sent email campaigns along with the total number of sent email campaigns.
For each campaign, the info provided is:
- campaign_id
- campaign_name
- campaign_type
- status
- sent_date
- emails_sent
- open_count
- reopen_count
- click_count
- sale_count
- purchase_total
- bounce_count
- unsub_count
- responder_count