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Partner With VerticalResponse!


session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of a list to restrict output to.
type [xsd:string]
The type of lists to restrict output to (e.g., “email”, “optin”).
name [xsd:string]
The name of a list to restrict output to.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
When specified, only lists that are associated with this campaign are returned.
form_id [xsd:int]
When specified, only the list associated with this opt-in form is returned.
include_field_info [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include the names of the fields for each list.
Warning: setting this to true when enumerating many lists can lead to very large responses.
include_deleted_lists [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include deleted lists in the output. By default deleted lists are not returned.
order_by [xsd:string]
The field to sort results by.
limit [xsd:int]
The maximum number of records to return. If set to 0 or omitted, will return all lists.
offset [xsd:int]
Only records on or beyond this index are included in the result.
is_master [xsd:boolean]
When set to true, only the master list is returned.
When set to false, all the user lists (except for the master list) are returned.
When not specified, all lists that match other input parameters are returned, whether master or not.